Page name: the city of Fante [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-24 23:29:53
Last author: tiragon
Owner: Blakkduv
# of watchers: 5
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D20: 15
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The city was filled with the sound of car horns, motorcycles, and people snaping pictures of the glorious city. But in a dark allie of the city, It was all quiet but the soldiers foot steps searching for someone they needed.

A young woman ran over to an alley hiding behind a pile of barrels as deadwood soldiers ran by. She took deep breathes as she curled up scarred and terreified hoping they wouldn't find her. Her white hair hung around her body as one feather that was attached to it fell off. She grabbed it and placed it back in. She loved her feathers and she didn't want to loose not a single one.

"I think I heard something!" one of the soldiers said. The soldiers walked very slowly now. Creeping around the city streets.

She stood very still keeping very quite as she heard footsteps getting closer.When the man looked he saw a Hawk resting on one the barrels starring at him.The hawk chirped as he tilted his head to the side.

"Darius! What do you see?" One of the soldiers said to the man as they searched other areas.

The hawk just rested there watching Darius getting closer to the barrels.The hawk suddenly stood up and nipped at him trying to get him away.

"What do you see!" The camander said to darius getting flustered.

"Nothing!"He said backing away and walked off.

The woman laid her head back in releif as she accidently made a barrel move with her power.She freaked out as Darius looked back.

The hawk stood there as the woman stood up and started running for it."There she is!"He yelled running after her but the hawk attacked him not letting him go any further.

One of the soldiers shot it with a sedetive and it fellto the ground. They only had sedetives because they didn't want to kill her they wanted to capture her.

She ran around the corner and kept running down the road hearing them catching up a tear ran down her face as three doves swoop down and got hit by the sedetive to protect her.

"Get her!" The leader said shooting the animals above him.

Darius caught up with her and tried to takle her but a bird tripped him up and he fell to his face.

Three big bald eagles grabbed ahold of her and flew off with her since she was very light.A group of doves followed behind them to block the Sedetives.The woman looked back seeing the soldiers shooting at her but by the time they ran out of ammo they lost sight of her.The birds were taking her to the camp of warroirs of the feather.

"God DAMN IT DARIUS! We failed again. Lets go back to the base and tell him what happened." The soldier said as three motorcycles drove up to him. The three got on them and went, off to the Deadwood Company.

Anaya stepped out of the freelance bar and stretched luxuriously, her tanned stomach peeking from between her pants and shirt. She took a deep breath of the not so fresh air and put the needle she had away before turning and heading down the street.

Three motorcycles drived by her and disappeared into the distance just as a man came onto the side walk. He walked a couple of feet before falling to the ground. Blood dripped from his arms.

Raising an eyebrow, Anaya went to the man and took a knee. "Umm.. sir?" she asked gently, frowning as she reach out a hand to touch him, to try and wake him up.

He groaned and rolled over. the right side of his face was charred almost completely off and he had multiple stab wounds to the chest and stomach. Both of his arms where broken with the bone jutting out.

Anaya cursed, both the situation and herself, as she quickly picked him up. She brought him to the nearest hospital and left him out front on a bench and walked a block away before calling back on her cell phone to warn them of a man in need out front before hanging up and continueing on her way.

Right at the end of the street there was a car smashed into the side of a building. And by it was a woman split almost in half and her child crying beside her. She was dead.

"You've got to be kidding me," Anaya muttered to herself. Looking around first, she hurried over, kneeling by the child. "Are you all right?" she asked gently.

"A monster came and... and" He was shaking and crying and then he pointed to the sky. A robotic looking person was standing on the roof of the hospital. Its two bright red eyes shined in the night sky.

Anaya's eyes widened. "Not good," she said her thoughts aloud and grabbed the kid in her arms, quickly running off with him.

The man moved gracefuly with unhuman speeds, jumping in fron of them hold his hand out.

"What?" Anaya snapped at him, glaring hard at him while holding the child close to herself to protect him.

He cocked his head to the side staring at the child. He reached for the kid and grabbed a hold of his shirt.

Anaya watched with wide eyes, but then scowled at him and struck him with a raised knuckle right in the eye.

His head didn't move at all as he took her hand and swirled around her back twisting her around.

Anaya cried out as she was forced around, and to let go of the boy. She lifted her leg and brought her foot back hard into his stomach.

The knee smashed into his stomach and a outline of the knee made a lump on his back for a while and then his body repaired itself and then he jumped up and kicked Anaya in the chest with the force of a bear attack.

Anaya fell hard to the pavement with a wince. Half growling, she lifted her legs up and kicked herself to her feet again and charged at him, ready to punch him in the sternum.

His hand blocked the attack and he took the fist and twisted it almost all the way around.

Anaya cried out again and turned with the twist, aiming a kick to his head.

He ducked under the kick and kicked her foot out from her before rolling around her and grabing the kid, Raising his fist to finish the kid off.

"No!" Anaya yelled and slammed her fist into the side of his face, the child barely managing to slip from his distracted grip. She knew the man wasn't hurt in the least though. "Run!" she yelled at the kid and aimed another fist at the man's face.

The man ducked his head again, and then grabed her by the hair. "Must kill all that don't comply." He said as his arm transformed into a sword.

Anaya glared at him, his grip painful in her dark hair, but something else was in her eyes that was equally determined. Her hand came up and rested on his chest and moved down his arm to his wrist that would have been the sword hilt and gently rested there, not moving, not even gripping tightly, just holding. Her thumb moved little circles on his arm as she glared at him. "Then kill me," she said acidly, borderline seductive, even if her facial expression didn't show it.

His fist clenched and he looked away for a second then looked back."I must kill all that don't comply."

"That child was complying to me," Anaya told him firmly, not resisting anymore, just keeping her head at a position so his grip didn't hurt as much, her hand on his arm lightly, still tracing the little circles with her thumb. "And I'll comply to you..." she told him softly, submitting to him. "Do you still need to kill us?"

"Complying means to come with me to the Deadwood company halls and wait to recieve your soldier code. If you don't comply I must kill you." He said loosening his grip.

Anaya sighed. "Very well. Lead away," she said, releasing his arm.

He turned around. "Wheres the boy?"

"No," Anaya said, stepping in front of him and looking at him seriously. "You came for the boy, but I'm offering myself in his place."

"No exeptions. Must kill all that don't comply." He repeated the program again in his robotic monotone voice.

"Well that boy isn't 'not complying'," Anaya said in annoyance. "You scared him. Maybe if you didn't say 'comply or die' you'd have more people willing to join you." She sighed and her hand wrapped gently around his wrist. "Come on. Let him go. He's just a kid. Get him later, when he's stronger."

"NO EXEPTIONS!" He said as he pried her hand from his wrist."Where is the kid. He must comply."

"It's on his to do list!" Anaya snapped at him in annoyance. "Don't make me reset you!"

"I am protected with canodine steal as skin. I am created to withstand high and low tempratures. I can not be beaten." He said this with the knowledge that he has never lost a fight before. He then grabbed Anaya's wrists and handcuffed them together with programmable handcuffs that the Deadwood companies standard issue with only a basic code.

Anaya grinned. "Ah, I see.. into the kinky stuff are you?" she lightly teased, leaning back against him so their bodies touched, holding her wrists up and experimentally tugging on them to show them to him. She chuckled softly. "I never knew," she practically purred.

"Uhh..." He uttered as a bit of his human side came our for a moment.

She chuckled softly, and placed a very soft kiss on his neck, praying he could still feel touch. She put her arms over his head so they were locked with the cuffs behind it, her face close to his mask, smiling invitingly. "Like I said, I'll comply to you," she said softly. "Just you."

"I must not get attached to people or things for I am likely to destroy them." He recalled his dad saying these things to him every day. He remembered being set to know these things.

"You're worth dying for," Anaya told him softly, looking at his red eyes with her own steel grey ones. She continued to have her arms around his neck, though the cuffs made it hard to actually hold him.

He grabbed her handcuffs."We must go back to Deadwood. My father will be displeased with my lack of people." He said then he called for a transport.

Anaya bowed her head to him. "What ever you wish of me," she told him complyingly. Inside she was sighing. She didn't want to join the stupid company. She looked into his eyes again, her hands covering his that held her cuffs. "What ever you want me to do. I'll do it. I'll do it for you."

Just then a small army van pulled up."You'll be in the back." He said shoving her in, and sat in the front seat. 2 guards where stationed in the back.

Anaya sighed as she took her seat and lay her hands in her lap. She lay her head back against the wall of the van, looking at the ceiling. It was turning out to be a long day... She looked toward the front of the van, remembering the cyborg. He didn't even want to sit with her. Barking up the wrong tree, she supposed, and looked at the ceiling again.

"A new day a new puppet." One of the guards said to another.

Anaya's head shot up and she growled at them angrily. "This marionette is held up by razor wire, so watch what you try to pull," she said harshly.

"ooh a mad tigress." One of them said spitting on her shoe.

"Your one of us now so don't get to comfortable in those close. New issue armor for you miss." He said as the other snickered.

Anaya looked at the spit boredly, then looked up at the men with a seductive smile on her pretty features. "Mm, I love men in uniform.. Especially when they treat me like they're better than me," she purred to them. "Because you are. You are so much better than me... I'm trash, for you to push around and just.. use. I'm nothing. Please, go ahead and use me." She pouted at them.

"Oi! Hey Reaper. Did she try this on you too?" He said as sweat pored from his head.

"Its working!" Said the other laughing.

Anaya continued pouting and nodded for Reaper. "I did try it on him, but if I had known I could have the two of you sexy soldiers, instead of just him, I wouldn't have bothered," she pouted, then purred, "I would have just focussed on you."

The men where now silent.

"We can't help you anyway. We don't know the code."

"Oh, but I don't want anything," the onyx haired woman told them innocently, then smirked. "I don't need my hands to make both of you very happy..."

One of them took off his face plate and swallowed.

Anaya chuckled softly, almost evilly and locked her eyes on his, licking her lips slowly.

"Bwauh chika bwowbwow." The other guard playfully said mocking her.

The other was in a trance like state of confusion.

Anaya turned her head from the confused one, then her eyes to the other man. "Hey, if you need the sound effects-" She shrugged easily, still smirking. "What ever gets you off."

They both stopped laughing.

Anaya sat back, her work done she guessed. She's had her fun. She could have more, but she could settle. She was still smirking and crossed her legs, looking toward the front again.

"See you scared her stupid." One of them said to the other as he put his face mask back on.

Anaya shrugged easily. "I just figure if neither of you are going to give me a go..." She looked at them out of the corner of her eye, her smirk becoming seductive.

"I didn't say that-"

"Enough!" Reaper said to them."Shut up. Love gets in the way of work."

Anaya scooted away from the men and faced the back of Reaper's seat. Her hands went over his head agan and rested lightly on his chest, her own head resting it's temple against the back of his head. She let her eyes close.

Max Reaper shrugged her off."Don't. Get back in the seat." He said simply as the guards went over to her to sit her down in the back.

Actually hurt, Anaya allowed herself to be led to her seat and sat down heavily. She crossed her legs and sat her hands on her knee, watching the men before her again. "Well?" she pressed.

One of the men sat beside her."Rejected eh?" He said tiredly. "He deos that. He's programmed that way."

"I know," Anaya said bluntly, but then grinned at him, looking him over. "But I always liked a challenge."

"Since were going to have a common goal in the near future. I say I shouldn't be downing you." The soldier said looking at his buddy and giving him a thumbs up.

Anaya shrugged and looked at the back of Reaper's head again before turning back to the man. "Don't worry about it. I don't want you going easy on me just because we work together." She paused a moment, then asked, smiling a little, "Does the Deadwood company have strict rules against interpersonel relationships?"

"what they know can't hurt them." He said smiling a little.

She smiled, honestly. "I'll keep that in mind then."

Reaper looked at his men."Its against code #5 in the Deadwood company manual." He felt a wierd feeling inside of him building up.

Anaya frowned, looking down from Reaper. "I'd only break the rule for you..." she told him quietly, hurt in her voice.

"Hey! what happened to us?" The soldier beside her said.

Anaya moved her head to put her lips by his shoulder, shushing him quietly. "I'm trying to get in good with the high ranks so I can get away with things with you guys," she hissed quietly.

"Oh."He said and then sat there quietly twidling his thumbs.

Anaya looked back to Reaper, her eyes pained. "It's ok.. that you say no.. I'm going to keep trying," she told him determinedly.

"I am programed to say no." He looked at her through the mirror and looked back at the long streach of road.

Anaya got up and went to the front, kneeling just behind, but between the seats, looking at Reaper determinedly. "But what do you want to say?" she asked, not touching him this time.

"NO!" His words where loud and frusterated. "We ar coming up on the base guys... get ready."

Anaya watched him a moment longer. "I'll wait for you," she told him before moving back to her seat to be escorted out at the deadwood company base.

Anaya had returned, some hours later to the streets. She sat in an alley, her back against a wall and her knees bent up slightly. Her hands were held before her, holding the cuffs apart as she examined it. At length, she pulled a pin from her sleeve cuff and started working, with the pin in her mouth, on the cuffs. Finally, then unhooked and took the pin from her mouth. Shifting her position, she sat and changed the code to the cuffs, and shut off any signal it sent or received from the Deadwood company.

The next morning

Anaya looked both ways before stepping out the bar. It wouldn't do to be caught again. The cuffs from the day before were now attached to her hip, programmed to her own code. Finally, she stepped out and walked down the street, her eyes sharp for any Deadwood employees.

The sun shined brightly on the new day as Genevir found herself standing outside a bar in the city itself. She saw a woman walk out, but paid her no mind, in search of her underling, The Hunter, as she recalled from her commander from only an hour before. She looked over the outside of the bar before moving towards the entrance.

Drac Mishkonev steps out of the polic department headquarters, in his Power suit, looking for his escort.

Genevir had reached the door of the bar and taken one look around. She noticed a man in a power suit and sighed. She jogged back to the doorway and stopped at the bottom of the five cement stairs leading up to the door of the station. "The Hunter, I assume?" she asked, not using quotations as the Commander had done.

Drac turns and looks at Genevir, "Yes, and you are?" he asks her. Drac wonders who this person is and how she knows his callsign.

Taking this moment to act a part, Genevir bowed deeply, well aware of the fact she dressed like none other she knew in the entire city. "Lieutenant Solira, your personal guide," she announced, neglecting her first name.

"Pleasure to meet you Lieutenant, I am called Drac Mishkonev, my call sign is The Hunter. Why have you been assigned to be my personal escort? Don't Lieutenants have more important jobs to do?" Drac askes.

Genevir smiled, standing upright. "I was recently upgraded to Lieutenant. I suppose since I've served for quite some time..." She paused. "Besides, it's good to get to know the new ones." She smiled in a way which hinted that she doesn't meet many new recruits mostly because they never last long enough for her to meet them. It was more a feeling than anything.

"Well," Drac said, "I'm not exactly new to this thing, I mean the fighting. I've been fighting for my life and money for the past 10 years now." Drac grins "Although being able to do it legally, now that's something I'm new at. Also, i'm only here on a month by month basis."

Genevir smiled at this as she turned towards the street. "Well, since it's month by month, you won't receieve the yearly raise," she said, then in an undertone, "Or the budget cuts." She grumbled for a moment about that then brightened again. "Where to first?" she asked, now facing him. "Right or left?"

"You're the guide," Drac smiles, "Why don't you pick?"

Returning his smile, Genevir looked once towards each direction, turing back to Drac. "Right it is," she said, turning right.

Just to the right, a small group of people where gambling with dice on the side of the street. "Haha! Seven!" One of the men said as he stuck his card into a machine witch transfered all the credits stored on it as people sighed.

Genevir casually joined the group looking over and checking it was dice they were playing. She smiled. "Aren't playing with loaded dice, are ya fellahs?" she asked, jokingly. She knew her outfit made it seem like she was just wandering the streets which was the silver lining in not wearing a uniform.

"Hey hey their girly. Wanna give it a try?" The winner said in a scruffy voice.

Genevir smiled, glancing back to Drac before looking back at the winner. "How much is the bet?" she asked sweetly, moving one shoulder a bit forwards, adding that flirty stance to her flowing words. Despite how much she didn't like being flirtatious, she pulled it off enough to make someone actually believe it.

"The anny up is 5 credits right now." He said as people started swiping their credit cards into the credit machine taking money out of the cards.

Genevir pulled out of the crowd and moved next to the man, the last to swipe the card. She smiled and pulled it slowly through the machine. "What's the game, then, boys?" She was the only woman around.

"If you get a seven then you win all the cash. If you don't, everyone swipes their card again until someone wins. Don't tell the police though, Or we'll all get a time out hehe." He said handing her the dice.

Jacky yawned passing by but stopped seeing the game she walked over watching."............."

Drac grins and his helmet closes over his face, he starts to scan the people nearby looking for potential threats, wanting to finally get some action; his hand unconscously tightening on his gun, wondering when he should bust these guys.

Genevir smiled, her hand closing on the dice. She continued to smile as she shifted the dice in her hand, figuring if they were loaded or not. As she did this, she took to looking at each man there, in the eyes. Perifial vision told her Drac was ready and that there was a woman watching the action. Finally, she turned to the man with the Reader and moved closer to him. "Can I up the anney?" she asked, even sweeter than before. She didn't know if Drac would catch the added arm movement which was known for calling people over and turned it into a sort of femenine tease.

"Well sure you can." The man said as sweat ran down his face.

"I'm out. I got no more chash." Said one of the men scraching his head.

"Oh," Genevir said, with a frown that was smiling, if at all possible. "Well in that case, we can leave it at five, then." She had stopped turning the dice over in her hand, shook them, and knelt down, releasing them on the ground. While everyone watched her toss, she took the time to look over what brand name the reader was. She had stood up, and glanced over to the dice. One read five and the other read two. She smiled. "I guess that's it for me, fellas," she said as she swiped her card and pressed the send on the reader, taking the entire thing from the man. She had held it with a tight grip.

Jacky had a peice of hey in her mouth that poked out as she watched."Hmph..."She grabbed her rifle she just bought and headed off down the road whistling a little tune.

Drac steps forward and points at the gamblers with his rifle, "You are under arrest, if you fight, you will be taken down. Hard." He says

One of the men snickers and grabs Genevir and pulls her infront of him. "You woldn't hurt a girl would you?" He said trying to hold her in place with his weak arms.

"Maybe you should let go of her."Jacky said standing behind the man also pointing her Rifle right in his back."Or do we have to have blood shed? I really don't care either way."

One of the men whips out a switch blade and runs at Jacky from her side.

Drac fires his gun at the man running at Jacky, filling him full of holes. "It looks like it's party time." Drac says, aiming his gun at another one of the gamblers.

Jacky smirked as she stood there still pointign her gun at the man holding Genevir.

The dead man fell to the ground just before Jacky's feet. And all the other gamblers fell to the ground hands behind their back. But the other man holding Genevir didn't let go.

"Let her go buddy, you have no idea what I am capable of, and you do NOT want to piss me off even more." Drac says, silently going through his options. "Plus, the girl with the gun to your back will kill you if you don't let her go."

"Yeah yeah...I love killing.."She said to make the guy get scarred.

Genevir shook, only pretending to be scared. As each person spoke she was mumbling about how she was scared and how she didn't want the strong man to hurt her, lies as she pretended to try to wriggle free, only to position her feet better. She called over to Drac, "Take this!" She tossed the card reader to him before grabbing the man's wrist and elbow, moving it over her own shoulder and tossing him forwards. She didn't know whether or not the man hit the girl in the back, so she twisted the man's wrist, bending it towards his elbow, and asking, "Are you okay?" to the woman.

"Me?Yeah i'm cool."she said standing there.She pointed her gun to the ground."Was hoping to kill him.."she mumbled as she stood there.

Genevir smiled. "You still might," she said, holding his twisted arm with one hand. Her foot was on his shoulder, pressing into it. "You're under arrest. If you want to go the hard way, that can be arranged." She smiled. "Lieutenant Genevir Solira, at your service, Mister Jack Tanner." She'd read his name off the reader before sliding her card through. Fortunately, it was a card she used when undercover, meaning it had a number instead of a name when scanned. It was legal, of course, but wasn't under a name.

"Hmph police huh?" Jacky asked as she placed her rifle on her arm and then grabbed her bag of stuff."FYI my rifle had no bullets." she said grinning.

Genevir laughed, turning her head towards the woman. "You have my name," she began, "But I don't have yours." She smiled.

"Jacky star, once to be weapon expert for dead wood now retired."She said as still had the hay sticking out of her mouth.

"Pleasure," Genevir replied, holding out a hand towards Jacky.

The man groaned on the ground.

Ignoring the man, Genevir waited for Jacky to shake her hand.

Jacky shook her hand before heading off."Maybe we'll meet again but for now."She said and waved to them as she walked off down the street whistling once more.

Genevir turned to Drac. "Do you want him or should I take him in?" she asked.

"Why take him in? That just creates unnecesary paperwork." Drac says, cocking his gun and aiming it at the guy, "I say we just kill him here and now."

"No, I got a kid!" The man screemed, twisting in pain.

"I'll do the paper work if you take him in," Genevir said, sternly and finally, holding her free hand towards Drac's gun. "Deal?" She smiled at a thought. "You can be brutal," she added, sweetly and more sing-song like.

"I still don't know, it would be much quicker just to kill him..." Drac says, "But i guess we'll let him live...this time." Drac picks the man up by his arm, crushing it with the strength of his powersuit, "But nothing says he will get there in one piece, so make sure you behave!" Drac looks ointedly to the man.

Genevir had let his arm go, removing her foot as Drac lifted the man. She heard the crushing sound and almost gagged. "Don't do anything more," she said, moving and placing her hand on the arm of his powersuit. She wasn't looking at either of them, but rather at the ground near her shoulder. Her opposite arm had ahold of her elbow.

Drac smiles, "Fine, no more unless he gives me trouble. Now let's get this scum to headquarters."

Taking the lead at a rather fast pace, Genevir led the way to Headquaters, making long strides holding both elbows. She soon loosened up as they approached the door, calming herself down. "There's home," she said, smiling. "Home, home on the range." She began humming the rest of the song as she climbed the short stair case and twirled, imitating a ballerina mockingly. She started laughed as she pushed open the door and held it for Drac.

Drac shoves the guy through the doorway, nods at Genevir, "Thanks."-F.P.D. station

A whistling Anaya walked down one of the better streets of the city, where the blonde-haired-blue-eyed people looked at her with various degrees of dissapproval. Her black leather, weapons, chains, hair and sunglasses, they all had no place here, but she didn't care. The Deadwood goons didn't usually look into the high-class for their criminals, and besides, maybe they had a nice back pack she could use. She paused at a potential window of a store that had various clothes and even bags and packs on the mannequins there.

A man was cleaning the windows when he accedently tripped over on of the mannequins and fell of the platform and knocked his head on a badly placed desk in the corner of the store. He fell to the floor badly hurt but not wounded. He was struggling to get up when the mannequin he stumbled upon topled on top of him knocking him out.

Already regretting it, Anaya's feet quickly led her inside and she knelt by the man, frowning. She checked his pulse and his wound before finding a few bandages and things in her pack. She began to gently clean the wound, praying no one came in. "Curse my care for humans," she thought with annoyance. "If I just didn't care..."

"hmmmmmmmuuurrrrmmm." Grunted the now half awake man that was being treated for the minor wounds he had. "Is this heaven?"

"No," Anaya said firmly, but as always, she had never managed to get the feminine attrativeness out of her voice. Silently cursing that, she made a bandage of guaze and began to bandage his head wound. "You're still in Fante." In her head she was thinking back on that Reaper. He hadn't cared what people were like or what happened to them or what family they had-! She had to pause since her minustrations had been becoming a bit too firm. She relaxed a moment before gently finishing the man's bandages and putting her things away.

"Hrrrrrmmmmmmmm." The man murmered trying to say thank you but failing before going back to sleep.

Anaya watched for a moment as the man dozed. Then, as carefully as she could, she moved his head to lay on the floor, stood, bag in hand, and left the store, now striding instead of walking down the street, as if with a purpose. She didn't want to be in a place too long, for fear the guards find her again. Guards didn't worry her now, considering she knew their fault, but that didn't mean some guards didn't have the chips in their skulls.

Drac steps out of the station, hitting the streets again on his patrol.

Back to...
W.O.T.F. story

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2007-06-10 [Ikko]: I can rp now right?

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: yup!

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: The Reaper is here... MUAHAHA

2007-06-10 [Artsy]: I like him, tho maybe it's the hormones *dirty thoughts* o.o'

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: haha

2007-06-10 [Ikko]: .....oooo Anaya has a thing for mister Reaper *Grins*

2007-06-10 [Artsy]: only for the fun of it lol, and to get out of becoming a soldier, distraction is key ;) and she's all for the high tech really, honestly, she likes herself a cyborg lol

2007-06-10 [Ikko]: lol XD

2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: haha

program him to like cleaning and lifetime.

2007-06-10 [Artsy]: nah, she prolly could, but no, she's program him to hate dead wood and not listen to them anymore, other than that, he'd be the same, unpleasant, cuz dominant guys are sexy lol

2007-06-10 [Ikko]: XD LMAO

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